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First Clause.- Purpose: By means of this contract, the Lessor transfers the use and enjoyment  y way of lease to the Lessee as holder and custodian of the following vehicle, which is in good working condition and conservation without greater utilization than the produced by normal and ordinary use, in turn the lessee will be responsible for the proper use of the vehicle, becoming civilly and criminally responsible for the damages caused to third parties or in case of photo detections, subpoenas, accidents, crimes, torts and any fact that compromises this vehicle to the authorities excluding the Lessor from any responsibility.


Second Clause Destination: The vehicle object of this contract will be destined exclusively for the lessee for its use and enjoyment, who may not sublet to third parties, whether natural or legal, without the lessor interceding for it. The lessee may not use the car to provide the service of paid public or private transport nor may it carry out any activity or business that threatens or violates the owner's rights over the vehicle such as pledge, retention, embargo. It is made clear that in any case of suspicion, the Lessor may collect the Vehicle without prior notice.


Third Clause. Validity: This contract is called in the form of an occasional lease which will have an indefinite duration and begins from the date of subscription between the parties. Observation. To make this contract effective, the delivery and receipt inventories of the vehicle must be attached, in order to ensure what dates the lessee had this vehicle at his/her disposal.


Clause Four. Rental fee and payment method: The lessee is obliged to ………. for the use of the vehicle, a daily rental fee as agreed with the Lessor at the time of booking, equivalent to 24-hour use. This canon will be payable in advance in each occasional rental. Observation. If the rent is greater than 5 days, the rental fee will be fixed in writing or verbally

by both parties with the relevant discounts and the value may be different from the one written in this clause and the signing of the corresponding contract.


Fifth Clause. Receipt and Delivery: The lessor delivers the vehicle in perfect mechanical, presentation and operating conditions, with the security accessories required by law, with an insurance policy, mechanical technical review if applicable and current SOAT, guaranteeing the respective preventive maintenance to normal deterioration of the mechanical, electrical and other parts, and undertakes to maintain the vehicle in this way for the duration of this contract. The lessee has received the vehicle object of this contract, according to the inventory that is attached to each occasional lease, which is a fundamental part of this contract and must return the vehicle to the lessor in the same condition.


Sixth Clause. Repairs: The Lessee respond to the Lessor for all damages caused to the vehicle under his possession regardless of whether they are caused by direct or indirect third parties of this contract, and in the event of any accident or anomaly, he must give immediate notice to the lessor within a period maximum of 24 hours after the event occurred. If it is found that the driver was intoxicated, under the influence of hallucinogenic substances or for any reason regardless of whether the insurance company did not pay the claim, the lessee will be solely responsible for the events and payment of the damages caused. or the commercial value of the vehicle, and the promissory note signed by him will become effective. Minor damages will be payable as follows: a) damages less than or equal to $3000.00 (Three thousand pesos 00/100) will be fully recognized by the lessee, taking the vehicle to the Lessor's trusted supplier or workshop. b) damages greater than $3000.00 (Three thousand pesos 00/100) and in case of total loss or theft, the lessor will make use of the insurance policy and the lessee will assume the maximum deductible of 20% to the insurer with his Credit Card or other means of payment. c) In the event that the vehicle is disabled due to damages caused while in the possession of the Lessee, the latter will be obliged to pay the Lessor the loss of profits equivalent to half of the daily rental fee, of the days that this vehicle cannot work.


Seventh Clause. Obligations of the lessee: The following shall be special obligations of the lessee: a) the correct use of the vehicle. b) not modify the nature or technical specifications of the vehicle. c) immediately inform the lessor about any circumstance that threatens to violate the owner's rights over the vehicle, as well as any disturbance to the normal development of the contract. d) notify the Lessor immediately and in real time before any entity about news, breakdowns, accidents, claims or any eventuality that occurs with the vehicle within 24 hours. e) The loss of forgotten objects inside the car are the responsibility of the Lessee and at no time may the Lessor be charged. The obligations of the tenant are also those contained in book 4 of the civil code.


Eighth Clause. Penalty clause: Failure by any of the parties to comply with the obligations derived from this contract will constitute the debtor of the other for the equivalent of the daily value of the lease that is in force at the time such failure is presented as a penalty without detriment to the damages that may be caused as a result of non-compliance. This contract will be sufficient summary evidence for the collection of this obligation.


Clause Nine. Interest for late payment: The lessee will pay the lessor an interest for late payment corresponding to the current monthly default interest, on the value of the unpaid lease fee or any sum of money that for any reason may be owed to the lessor from the date of its enforceability until the payment date.


Clause Ten. Termination: This contract may be terminated at any time the Lessor deems it so or in the following cases: a) Due to execution of the object. b) due to deterioration of the vehicle and/or poor mechanical conditions that put the physical integrity of users and other people at risk. c) change of the conditions that initially existed for its acceptance and/or breach of the obligations of each of the parties. d) due to force majeure or fortuitous event, which prevents the possibility of continuing its execution. e) by mutual agreement between the parties. f) the delay on the part of the lessor in the installments with the insurance company for the all-risk policy and SOAT. g) due to delays in payments by the lessee. h) for any doubt or suspicion generated by the lessee about putting the vehicle and the owner's rights over it at risk.


Eleventh Clause. Data Processing: The Lessee expressly authorizes the processing of the personal data provided in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013, which will be used in accordance with the personal data processing policies that can be consulted in which he declares to know and accept.




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